Don’t Be Fooled By “Free System” Offers

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“Free security system”? Read the fine print.

When someone offers you something for free, you’re generally going to end up paying twice as much in the long run. That’s how it is with a lot of “free security system” and “free installation” offers too.

Sure, the system or the installation may be ‘free.’ But to get it, you have to agree to two or three years of monitoring service — at a price that’s often more than twice the price and more ...

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Alarms Or Dogs?

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At DTN we like dogs too.  But can they safeguard your family as well as a DTN alarm system can?  Think about it.

Not All Pets Are Effective Guardians

Most family pets are just that, pets, not defensive weapons. They need to be taken care of, not used as the family’s defense against criminals.

These small family members need to be cared for just as much as any human member of ...

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The Top Ten Mistakes People Make

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What are the top ten mistakes people make when buying security systems?

Buying on cost alone

Do you really want the cheapest security system and monitoring service? You wouldn’t choose the cheapest brain surgeons! Your safety and security can be a life-saving decision. Make that decision with your head, not your pocketbook!

People judge a book by its cover

Don’t make the mistake of choosing a company because of its looks. A flashy logo won’t keep you safe in an emergency. ...

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Keep Your Mobile Phone Secure

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A lost cell phone may contain personal information you may not want to see in the hands of strangers, much less mobile phone thieves. Even mobile phones that aren’t stolen can be a danger, since today’s mobile phones are essentially mini-computers, and as such are susceptible to viruses and hackers.

Those who use mobile phones for security may worry that losing a mobile phone means strangers can now watch — or even disarm and enter — one’s ...

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