From the U.S Army to the U.S. Marines, from Don’s Original to the George Eastman House, to Xerox and Sears and Arby’s to the Ginna Nuclear Plant, from Pizza Hut to RIT to Brighton High School, to local police officers to even security competitors, the security firm Rochester depends on is DTN.
Your friends and neighbors have made the choice for DTN. You should too. Call DTN offices today at 585-342-4480.

Pizza Hut
George Eastman House
RG&E Ginna
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
United States Marines
United States Navy
U.S.S. Sullivan
Greece Town Mall
Irondequoit Mall
Liberty Pole Way
Don’s Original
SUNY Brockport
Eisenhart Auditorium
Nothnagle Gallery of Homes
Church of Jesus Christ
Brighton High School
Masonic Temple
Josh Gardens
Irondequoit Town Hall
JoAnn’s Fabrics
Bausch & Lomb
Marriott Hotel
Holiday Inn
Bryant and Stratton
Strong Hospital
Chili Country Club
Farash Corporation
Al Sigl Center
American Health Fitness Center
Calvary Chapel
Bay Tile Company
Carvel’s Ice Cream

Howard Johnson’s
Lac de Ville
Bally’s Health Fitness Center
Arena’s Party House
Blue Heron Country Club
Pelican’s Nest
Vic and Ernie’s
Buffalo Naval Museum (USS Sullivan)
Holiday Health Fitness Center
Anchor Marine
Rochester Art Supply
Cadet Cleaners
Sweet’s Party House
Rochester Pipe Organ Association
Train Depot
Russo Construction
Camp Eastman
Kuzack Stamp Company
Kravitz Realty
Norm Hausner Architect
Caswell Construction
Newport House
Wilson Health Center
Micro Advantage
Net Access
PC Innovations
Southview Towers
Wilmont Corporation
David’s Auto
Marian’s Doll Shop
Benson Studio Music
Andy’s Ice Cream
Northfield Music
Andy’s Candy
Christi Plastics
Fero Corporation
Quality Carpets

Long John Silver’s
Grimsley Electric
Brant Heating and Cooling
Metzler’s Heating and Cooling
Carnival Ice Cream
Goodman Street Armory
Angela Martin Accounting Service
104 Construction
Vinny’s Collision
Josh Gardens
Jacobs Tile
Ramada Inn
Sibley’s Optical Department
Perkin’s Restaurant
Adrian Jules Tailor Shop
Ridge Lumber
Scrantom’s Stationary
LeChase Construction
Highland Hospital
Genesee Hospital
Park Ridge Nursing Home
Beechwood Nursing Home
Lisa’s Fine Jewelry
Key Demands Jewelry
Hobby House
Pineapple Jack’s
The Zoo
Creative Plastics
Sully Library
Winton Library
Bay Street Library
Dr. Jeffrey Busch
Henrietta Laundromat
Genesee Valley Laundromat

AMC Laboratories
Perry’s Bowling Center
Webster Fire Department
Palmyra Fire Department
Quality Cleaners
Val’s Lounge
North Greece Fire Department
Erie Station Fire Department
East Side Auto
St. Stanislaus (School)
Greystone Art Supply
North Park Deli
Istabul Deli
Mayer’s Marina
Dr. Jay Roberts
Braddocks Bay Marina
Ilex Optical
Rosa and Sullivan
Western Auto
National Auto
China King Restaurant
Shaheen Paint Company
Trading Post Jewelers
Midtown Jewelry
New York Diamond and Gold
Lewis, Darwish, and Dolan, Attys.
Rochester Otorlarygy Group
General Glass
Bob and George Mobil
Town of Egypt Fire Department
B. Younique (at Twelve Corners)
Pascal & Associates
Hess Refining Company
Heritage Christian Homes
And thousands more…